01. Our Mission
Be a supplier you can trust.
- Une informatique de confiance
02. Our Approach
Selling at the right price, listening to your needs: answering the phone.
- Fair prices
- A team that listens to you
03. Our Philosophy
Free as a figurehead, the promise of a France based service.
- 100% free software
- Hosting in France or in Europe

About Jeci
A team that listens to you
Jeci is a digital service company (ESN) specialising in free and open source technologies, which relies on a network of skills: independent consultants and IT services companies. Based near Dijon in Burgundy, we work mainly from home, but also on site throughout France, Belgium and Switzerland.
Our servicesWhat we do
Our products & services

Expertise and software recovery
Our software recovery services Source code and software architecture audit Are you having problems with your software, but you don’t know where they are coming from?
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Maintenance Alfresco Community
Our technical experts have been working on Alfresco Community since 2008 and were certified in 2012 and 2017.
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