Image de la bannière : OCR : Pristy newest feature!

OCR : Pristy newest feature!

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by Lucie Lesage/ on 03 Feb 2022

OCR : Pristy newest feature!

OCR: new on Pristy

OCR is the abbreviation of optical character recognition.

Pristy offers you a new feature, it allows you to recognise the characters of a scanned document, and to integrate its content in the search.

Here is a picture of the feature, the video is in French you can choose to have English subtitles.

You will save time: now, no more typing errors, you can simply copy/paste your file references, the email address of your contact person, or the reference article of your contract ; you don’t need to open all your documents to find the one you need to answer your last mail of the day, just use the search box with one or more word it includes.


Pristy is a free online electronic document management (edm) software. It is available hosted at OVH or on-premise.

If you are interested in Pristy, do not hesitate to contact us.
Would you like to try it?
Nothing could be easier: ask us for a demo!

You can purchase Pristy today:
Order your GED now in the OVH Marketplace

_NB : as of today February 3rd, in our demo platform this feature is only implemented in French ; if you want to try it in an other langage ask us beforehand.