What happened at Cool Days 2023
At the end of March we joined the Cool Days in Cambridge organised by Collabora.
It was the opportunity to meet part of the wonderful team behind Collabora Online.
With other partners present, we also got a chance to look at what’s coming (soon) and participate in shaping up the roadmap.
What stuck with us are the new JSDialog, that will allow Collabora to become even more accessible and the improvement planned for form field.
Also, a dark mode in on the way, and it’s perfect as we also have it in our own roadmap!
Thoughs on Open-Source after cool days talks
The moto of those 2 days were:
Make open source rock*
We could not agree more!
We had interesting talks about open source, it’s meaning, and it’s future and how people are trying to protect it.
Some quotes regarding open source from the Cool Days talk:
You should not pay to access a software you should pay for its value.
If you think open-source software programs are free, you’re wrong. Because you have access to it, you can install it for free, it’s a consequence.
The tool you installed for free has value for you (i.e. makes you gain, time, productivity, or else).
The developers behind it are likely to be selling it with added services such as support and future improvement. If you wish for the product to continue evolving and helping you in your tasks, you should contribute according to your ability to it in either (or all) of the following ways:
- contribute to it (develop, translate, give feeedback, etc.)
- talk about it
- pay the developers for the licence (it’s a thing even for open source)
- contribute to other floss project
Local should never exclude global.
Open-source is a worldwide community, people for wherever in the world can contribute to an open-source project.
Collabora is a great example of it.
At the same time, why is it that in Europe we’re trying to eat more local grown food, but we’re not trying to buy more local source software?
This article would have been way too long if we kept going, we will write more thoughts on open-source in the near future.
As we said in our last post, we’ve chosen Collabora to be our online office suite. It is the best solution, and we share with them the same fundamentals when it comes to open source.
We have developed an integration for Alfresco and Collabora couple of years ago. Since then, we have made Collabora Online a central part in Pristy, our new EDM software.
Thanks again to Collabora for having us, we discovered how beautidul Cambridge is and … the name of one of Taylor Swift cat ;) Thanks again to Collabora for having us, we discovered how beautiful Cambridge is and … the name of one of Taylor Swift cat ;)
You can see Collabora’s own recap here.
*in this article free (libre) software is referred as open source because we learned during the Cool Days that the word “free” in english speaking country makes the conversation around free software more about its price than the values it defends.