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Back from Cool Days 2024

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by Lucie Lesage/ on 28 May 2024

Back from Cool Days 2024

At the beginning of April, we were at Cool Days organised by Collabora in Cambridge.

Last year, a dark mode was in the works for both our apps; one year on, the dark theme is an integral part of Pristy & Collabora!


The new version 24.04 of Collabora Online includes some great new features, with a very active team maintaining a large community: well done to everyone!

We attended numerous lightning talk of various improvements and upcoming features.

You’ll find the ones that impressed us the most or that we’re really looking forward to below.

Cool Days is also an opportunity to meet other Collabora partners and discuss the features and improvements to come in future versions. We can’t say much more than that we can’t wait to see what comes next!

Lightning talks that caught our attention

“Accept, reject and Move to next, it just got added a few weeks ago […] the user reported on March 21st, March 30th it’s in!” Mike Dworski

Our favourite new features

“What do you do when you’ve got sensitive information that you need to share?” Richard Brock

Read our full article on Collabora Online 24.0 on

Complete playlist of Cool Days lightning talks

“Obviously as an open-source company we like to use open-source tools.” Naomi Obbard

Premium partner

Collabora is our exclusive partner for online and simultaneous editing of office documents.

We explained this choice to you in March 2023 and our point of view hasn’t changed.

(Re)read the article: Why I chose Collabora Online.

We developed an integration for Alfresco and Collabora a few years ago. Since then, we have integrated and made Collabora Online a central element of Pristy, our EDM.

Thanks again to the Collabora team for their warm welcome. We look forward to seeing you at OW2!

You can read Collabora’s feedback on these two days here.